Dbq Chesapeake and New England Colonies

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The colonial times were the most important part of our history. They laid the foundation for one of the world’s greatest superpowers to develop into it’s current state. However, what developed these colonies? There were many factors, and although the people who inhabited the colonies and the make-up of their political systems helped develop the differences in the Chesapeake and New England regions, it was the geography surrounding them in 1607-1700 that played the biggest role in developing these regions into two distinct societies. The people in the Chesapeake and New England regions back in the 17th century could be very similar at first glance, but they were, in fact, a small part in developing the two distinct regions. New England was a safe-haven for religious separatists fleeing England. While in the Chesapeake, there were no religious motives whatsoever. The New England region consisted of many families, mostly of the puritan type. This was so they could have a functioning society where everyone would have a specific role. Men came over will all sorts of different crafts such as a tailor or a husbandman. This was a very religious group that had their own way of life. Even small children would board the ships set for this new world. Unity was encouraged among New Englanders, which helped develop close societies. These close societies often built a bond of trust within the community, knowing that neighbors would come together during times of danger. All of this showed that these people had a distinct purpose for coming to the new world. They wanted to create a model society, a self-proclaimed “city upon a hill” (A). The Puritans who inhabited this region were very strict, and were always striving to make the perfect city. The families that would flock to these New England colonies were very different from those fleeing England for the Chesapeake region. The
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