David Riley Biography

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What do I do? I mean I did type a speech before this one, its just it had no point and reading it over it just sounded like a bunch of rambling. My last speech/song was a hit, but there is no way I could come up with something that clever again. I mean, almost every idea that has come to my mind has already been taken by one of the other 32 before me. So that leaves me here right now at 12:42 am trying to figure out what to write. Normally I would deem this hour much to late to even attempt writing anything, but today after playing a competitive game of backyard football.The wheel barrow which I probably wouldn’t have thought of if David Riley’s speech hadn’t mentioned David Kahn who in turn was the only person to remember that stupid wheel…show more content…
I figure if I have a little more than a page and a half I can probably make this speech stretch 2 minutes, depending of course on whose timing. But I could just easily bring my own stopwatch to make sure that I get the right time. If I could just think of a topic to write about then this speech would be a piece of cake. What can I say; the Big Guy was right this entire school year. Karma, I had waited until the last minute to write this speech and now karma was coming back around to give me a hardcore case of writers block. Well its 1:06 am now and I still have not done this speech, only written down my thoughts for the past 24 minutes. I guess I will just wait until the morning to write something down, and hopefully it will be near as clever as my last speech/song and it wont sound like I’ve been rambling on for the past 2 minutes that I’m hopefully at right now but just in case I’m going to make this sentence somewhat long because its better to be safe than sorry and I need to do good on this speech to get my grade

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