The Swimmer By John Cheever

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The swimmer: John Cheever QUESTIONS: 1. How is setting used symbolically in the story? Focus on such details as the change in weather and specific locales such as the highway and the public pool. ANSWER: Setting is used symbolically in the story in many ways. For example pg 23 paragraph 2, “In the west there was a massive stand of cumulus cloud so like a city seen from a distance—from the bow of an approaching ship.” That is symbolically used as it’s cloudy and it will probably thunderstorm. 2. How is Neddy Merrill presented in the beginning of the story (especially paragraphs 2 and 3)? How would you describe the narrator’s tone, and what does that tone communicate about the narrator’s attitude towards Neddy? ANSWER: Neddy Merrill in the beginning is presented as a young man although he is old. It seems as if he is happy and youthful. The narrator’s tone seems fruitful. The narrator kind of has an ironic and mocking tone towards Neddy further into the story. 3. At what point do you begin to realize that all is not what it appears to be on the surface? What textual details lead you to that realization? When he is running from pool to pool, barefoot and when he gets to one persons pool and it is empty and chairs are stacked. He thought they were invited to the house weeks ago although it had been empty longer than that. 4. How does Cheever communicate the passing of time and Neddy’s aging? Cite specific passages from the story to back up your answer. On page 237 paragraph three “Had you gone for a Sunday afternoon ride that day you might have seen him, close to naked, standing on the shoulders of Route 424, waiting for a change to cross.” This kind of reminds me of passing of time because he is waiting. Also another example is when in the beginning it’s a hot summer day and towards the middle there is leaves on the ground. Also page 237

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