Current American Identity and Patriotism

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Current American identity and patriotism This essay is going to be dealing with the American people, its independence and its influences on nowadays way of thinking of American people, this is, their understandable strong and unconditional extended patriotism that still today is in the majority of the American population. Too many Americans do not really know which are the differences between patriotism and nationalism, so this is going to be about defining what patriotism and nationalism mean; the reason why about the American pride and finally its connection to the Declaration of Independence. It is known that the American patriotism has been a characteristic feature since long time ago within the history of the United States. The agreement of the Declaration of Independence marked the end of an era and the beginning of a brand new one. And with the Independence came a new way of thinking. They were already different from their former metropolis but since the agreement all the differences, by which they decided to be an independent country, became more evident. The 4th of July, day in which the Declaration of Independence was signed, it is the most important day in American history but it is still being a reason of proud. Anyone can be proud of its origins but American people go further; two reasons can be found: their pride is because the getting out of the natives of the east of America and later they used them as slaves, or on the other hand it is because after realizing that they cannot get them out, they killed them. Moreover, they are proud of their troops, and again two possible theories apart from the best-known. The first one could be because they were the ones who get the land by killing native innocent people, or it could be because they were, at first, the powerful people sent by another country whose they belonged to and to which later, they asked
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