Was Colonial Culture Uniquely American

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Was Colonial Culture Uniquely American? Yes: Gary B. Nash No: David Hackett Fisher Each of the authors of this spirited debate between the uniqueness (or the lack there of) of the American culture presented compelling arguments for their side. Nash feels strongly that the convergence of the three cultures which he refers to as a tri-racial society, in and of itself created a new and unique culture. Regardless of the origins of these cultures, he refers to the unique blend of diverse environmental factors and peoples caused the development of a variety of cultures that were mostly English, part European, and altogether original. He argued that social development studies showed changes in their social behaviors and their interactions once in their new environment. Thus, he concluded that the new society was uniquely America. He has a very valid argument, but I believe he could have maintained the strength of his argument while also including the fact that the American people coming from British roots, the Puritans, the Royalist elites, the North Midlanders of England and the North British and Irish were still unique as a sub-culture melded together by the choice for religious and economic freedom. The pursuit to own land and accumulate wealth, and not be under the rule of the crown was first and foremost in the early colonists minds. Fisher rests his entire point of view based on the roots of the four British folkways that separated the settlers in America. Fishers argued that we are a culture with results that resemble the “germ thesis” having been British in our cultural origins. I believe his argument lacks the strength that Nash presents because a culture is not strictly DNA, yet societal norms and behaviors as well. While the initial settlers maintained a foundation of their heritage, the tri-racial society, the trades that emerged and the
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