Cultural Assessment Interview

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Cultural Assessment Interview Kathryn Hudacek NUR 369 Transcultural Care University of Michigan - Flint Introduction This paper is a cultural assessment of a personal friend, JCL, who agreed to be interviewed for this project. The goal of this paper is to present the cultural background of my friend JCL in the format specified by performing an informal, interview style, conversational exchange with an individual whose cultural background is significantly different than my own. My country of birth is United States, my race is Caucasian, and my ancestry can be traced second generation on mother’s side to Ireland, and England, and Canada. On my dad’s side, fourth generation goes back England and France. Overall, my background, values,…show more content…
JCL is a friendly, outgoing, and generally delightful young lady who readily agreed to be interviewed for this paper. JCL is in her early 30's with a husband and 7 year-old daughter, all happily living in Novi Michigan. JCL and her husband have changed names upon arrival in North America and have adopted Western names (Nick” and “Julianna”). The contents of this paper represent the results of two extensive conversations I had with her. The first interview was conducted as a face-to-face interview, and the later a phone conversation. I explained my assignment with her prior to the interviews and fully disclosed the confidentiality with which I would handle the information. JCL freely spoke of her history, and generally seemed eager and happy to answer my questions. At no time in our discussions did she appear to be hesitant, uncomfortable, or wish to conclude the conversation. The informational gathering model used for this paper is Leininger’s Suggested Inquiry Guide for Use with the Sunrise Model to Assess Culture as this contains many recommendations and suggestions for covering a wide range of cultural domains. Worldview and…show more content…
In general, however, she and her community followed Western medicine and as their financial resources were scarce, one only went to the doctor when very sick. She also indicates that “If you had money, you could see better doctors”. The only well care/preventative care they received were vaccines provided by government run programs. In general, the elderly women preferred to be cared for by female care provider. JCL remarked “We do not like to ask too much, we will do everything for ourselves, even changing the bed”. She also indicated that they did not question the doctor or the doctor’s decisions, they followed the recommendations

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