Critical Workplace Decisions

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Critical Workplace Decisions When something negative wanders into the workplace critical thinking and making a tough decision depend on each other to accomplish a solution. In the work environment making a decision the most beneficial can be a daunting task. Often the task of terminating a valuable member of an organization is stressful and hard on an entire team. The following incident is personal and a perfect example for applying critical thinking. Failure to report to work is usually an easy issue to deal with for a supervisor. If it happens once, a warning or in extreme circumstances a suspension as disciplinary action is sufficient. In a rare circumstance a high-performing employee with a personal problem, such as a wife committing suicide is an acceptable excuse for abesentism at work. This reading will narrate some of the critical thinking steps to handle a situation with factors taken into consideration. Personal Experience Larry is a high-performing manager who works when the company needs him. Without ever complaining Larry will work with an open availability and perform with proficiency. Larry is a marketing manager who has a different type of schedule than his peers because of the deadlines his department faces. When a job description changes and Larry has to abandon his current objective in the middle of a project, he will lead his team to complete to the task. Larry’s wife has been suffering from depression and the fact her husband is not home often is adding to the stress. One day at work Larry receives a phone call from the police his wife has died. The company gives Larry several paid months off to grieve. During this time, Larry develops a severe drinking habit as a method to cope with the loss. When he comes back to work his performance is right where he left off with goals and objectives met. The issue is Larry has been missing on average
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