Corrections Based Education, Vocation, and Work Programs

1970 Words8 Pages
In the United States corrections system, rehabilitation has been a consistent effort for years. While world history shows techniques such as banishment, torture, and other forms of corporal punishment, the United States has adopted a system of deterrence, rehabilitation, and focus on the offender. As laws, codes, and legislation become more and more complex, increasingly diverse and somewhat unpredictable, the dimensions of today’s offenders grow as well. America’s modern day offender is no longer the “scum of society” nor the noticeable anomaly to what is considered a civilized individual. Today’s prison systems have proven to be a collection of diverse individuals, some brilliant, some talented and some possessing sets of skills uncommon to even the most successful of free individuals. It is with such a diverse prison culture that rehabilitation has evolved into a much different element of American incarceration. With the presence of corrections based education, vocation, and work programs, prisoners are treated as individuals with potential, optimistic futures and most importantly, individuals who still have Eighth Amendment rights. It can be said that to be incarcerated in prison with no outlets to develop or improve intelligence, acquire skills, and reach ones potential is in a way “cruel and unusual punishment”. With the possibility to pursue education within prison walls, prisoners are provided the opportunity to develop personally as well as intellectually. Education programs within prisons enable incarcerated individuals to better prepare themselves for life on the outside. Modern society, especially when noting today’s economy, has little opportunity for the uneducated. Educating prisoners directs offenders toward a better life after serving their sentences and can be a beneficial foundation toward reducing recidivism. The availability of education

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