Essay On Confidentiality In Social Care

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CONFIDENTIALITY CONFIDENTIALITY IN AN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTING IN AN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTING DO’S and DON’TS * DON’T discuss matters related to the people in your care outside of the work setting * DON’T discuss service users with colleagues in public where you may be overheard * DON’T leave records unattended where they may be read by unauthorised persons * Do keep confidential information in a secure place * Do ensure people are informed about how and why information is shared by those who will be providing their care * Do disclose information if you believe someone…show more content…
It means that you must safeguard privacy and information at all times You must not talk about, or share any information about, any person you support to anyone other than those involved in their support. A family member may only have access to information held about the person you support if the person or their legal representative has given written permission Confidentiality is a fundamental part of professional practice that protects human rights. It means that you must safeguard privacy and information at all times You must not talk about, or share any information about, any person you support to anyone other than those involved in their support. A family member may only have access to information held about the person you support if the person or their legal representative has given written permission How and when to seek advice: You can ask the advice of senior colleagues You should contact your manager at any time you feel you need advice if an issue around disclosure or confidentiality arises in your workplace. How and when to seek advice: You can ask the advice of senior

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