Concept Books for Children

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Concept books are books that have pictures and don’t really have a plot, characters, or a dialogue which are perfect for young children. However, some concept books that form the core of many concepts books, such as one-to-one number correspondence, are typically learned toward the end of early childhood, around seven years old, and after children have certainly been exposed to a wide range of informational picture books (Carlson, n.d.). Teachers are able to use these books as a visual tool to introduce to children the different shapes, colors, alphabet letters, and numbers. Children can learn a lot from the environment around them and reading books in that environment. The children use their thinking and cognitive skills to become literate. Concept books are a way for teachers to teach their students early literacy skills. One way to use a concept book is by reading to the class and discus what the book is about. Children are able to learn new words that they hear from books and it can help them expand their vocabulary so they can be able to improve their communication skills. Another way to use concept books is to use them to introduce ideas, serve reinforce concepts or to add further information to a topic that children have already explored through direct experience (Giorgis & Glazer, 2009, p. 146). Since young children cannot read on their own, teachers can use the pictures and words in concept books to help the children make a connection that words usually have meaning and can represent something specific like shapes, colors, letters, and numbers. Good concept books should have an enjoyable story that encourages children to have a conversation about it. The pictures should be well illustrated with pictures that represent the words being read to them and the topic should be interactive and engaging for children to follow along. Not all concept books are

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