Comparing Women In The Yellow Wallpaper And The Story Of An Hour

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The Yellow Wallpaper and The Story of an Hour: Roles of Women The roles of women, not only in the American society but in many other societies too, from the early 19th throughout the 20th centuries are in fact diverse from how it’s viewed today. Women during that era barely had any freedom whatsoever. In fact, the submissive role of the woman in a marriage or other relationship was a common problem constantly during that time. The male dominance goes as far back as the beginning of the human race, so the accommodating role was merely expected of the female because of how universal it was. Women in the early 19th throughout the 20th centuries had utterly no independence at all. Women did not have the independence of voting, therefore, had absolute no political power, could not own their property, nor could not gain employment or education. There were few cases of women being able to have employment or little education, however. Women were observed as weak and emotionally unstable while men were viewed as the head of the household in every marriage or other relationship. Women were also expected…show more content…
An idea from Gilman’s incorporated the central character of the story being oppressed and signifies the effect of the domination of women in the society, as an example from the narrative point of view, “John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage.” (768, line 7). In Chopin’s piece of work, it included the idea of the protagonist devastated after first hearing about her husband’s passing away but shortly thereafter turns to joy by the character pronouncing continuously under her breath, “free, free, free…” (762, line 38). Both pieces support how women were being treated during that time by their dictator and what position they were

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