Women’S Rights In 19Th Century And 21St Century

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Women’s rights in 19th century and 21st century There is no secret that throughout the world’s history women have been considered as the weaker sex; mostly by having less opportunities and rights than men. However since the nineteen-century women have fought for a more equal society and a more equal role by accomplishing a significant amount of goals that increased women’s opportunities. The life of an American woman in the nineteen-century was full of gender inequalities. Before, women were not even allowed to vote; the access to education was very limited; salaries for women were extremely unfair, and men had total control over women lives. Women were relegated to house and family duties such as cleaning, cooking and taking care of the kids. The working opportunities for women in the nineteen-century were very limited. Employers regularly paid less to women; about one-half to two-thirds of what a man was paid for doing the same kind of job. Working was frowned for a woman because it meant that her husband could not support the family or that she could not get one job. For this reason the only women that were able to work were the ones that were the poor women or the members of the lower class in society. They worked as laborers and domestic servants in factories and houses. There also were some that exercised as teachers and nurses especially during the wars periods. Professions such as medicine or law were prohibited to women. As Gail Collins states in his book When Everything Changed “Most girls grew up without ever seeing a woman doctor, lawyer, police officer, or bus driver” (Collins A.W 7). Working made women realized that they were capable of doing the same kind of jobs that men were doing and it gave them the strength necessary to fought for their interests like a workers' compensation or health care benefits. In the present women enjoy of those benefits

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