Gough Whitlam (Short Explanation)

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Gough Whitlam Womens Rights Policy The Womens Rights Policy was established by Gough Whitlam in1975, being that women get equal rights. Before the policy was undertaken, women had minimal rights. They were not allowed to receive equal pay which meant that many women were suffering from unemployment, leading to women not working because there was no beneifit. Not only did women have no rights, they were being sexually harrassed or abused by superior males and discriminated in education. Before the policy was accepted, women were unable to receive loans if they were single, were not allowed to go to university, and even make decisions about their own bodies, e.g. The Pill or Abortion. Men and women had well defined roles. Women were stayed at home, looked after the house, cooked, cleaned and take care of the children. On the other hand, men were allowed to go out, work and earn money- they were none as the ‘Breadwinners’. This all changed when Gough became Prime Minister in 1972- being the first Labour Prime Minister in 23 years. Gough implemented equal pay for women which then influenced more females to work and enjoy the benefits all other males enjoy. Althought women were allowed to enter the workforce they still had specific jobs, them being; teachers or nurses. Gough enforced the policy further and women could then work in most areas of the workforce. With the further enforcement, women received maternity leave and paternity leave while ensuring they didn’t lose their jobs. Although this change was not accepted well by men. The Womens Rights Policy, has changed many womens lives. Gough has given women the chance to live, work and get equal pay, be able to walk down the street without being abused, to attend university without discrimination, and a chance of a better quality
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