What Role Did Rdquo Play In Women's Life

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Role of women until 1500 “Women Past Lived” Erin Snider World Civilization I Martha Stillman September 21, 2009 Women Past Lived Page 2 Women today have status and rights because of the women of yesterday’s many societies breaking through obstacles of extreme measures. Even though culture around the world differed in religion, dress, language and a few daily rituals there were many similarities that connected the way of life. The role of women in every society through early times including Roman, Medieval, India and China mostly ruled there women as inferior to their men and were unable to have many rights. Women were usually uneducated; unable to vote some of the case they hardly left their homes. The…show more content…
(3) A man was in constant control of a woman and she had to be dresses nicely, keep a clean and orderly home, and teachthe children, upholding finances as well as being there emotionally and physically. It wasn’t easy for a woman to live with no sort of control over her life, that of her offspring or how she felt, the turn of the century must have been an enlightened adjustment. (3) Women Past Lived Page 4 marriedyoung usually to some other family that had some sort of political status or looked good for her family. The girls on the cheap side of town were usually not married until their twenties for they where need to help out with the farm land and around the house. Women could not own Women Past Lived Page 5 Female’sslaves remained slaves forever and never had real security. A woman could be married only if she was a virgin if not she may be sold or never married. Women in this society were more than sheltered for probably their whole lives raising children, taking care of their husband, family, and house hold chores.…show more content…
Women in early societies lived to reproduced and continue the blood line, mostly striving for male babies. People in society in some ways believed that god wanted life to run as women as the follower or to be inferior. Women through the years pushed to work and for education and over time laws were granted to allow this for women. The people saw a need for more workers with more jobs now available. The turn of women’s rights has gradually changed so much that women and men are pretty much considered equal in most of the
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