Women's Roles After Ww2

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The role of women before, after, and during World War II was very diverse to say the least but women's lives changed in many ways during World War II. Many women found their roles and opportunities and responsibilities expanded, as they did in previous wars. Husbands went to war or went to work in factories in other parts of the country, and the wives had to pick up their husbands' responsibilities. With fewer men in the workforce, women filled more traditionally-male jobs. In the military, women were banned from combat duty, so women were called on to fill some jobs that men had performed, to free men for combat duty. Before World War II women were still fighting for certain rights but had a difficult time getting congress to pass and honor…show more content…
Some of the rights and opportunities that wanted was to re-educate men and women into a different way of perceiving women’s place and role in society. They aimed to promote better educational opportunities for women. They wanted an end to discrimination. They wanted an end to sexism and the exploitation of women. They wanted equality for women in the workplace, in society generally and at home. “After discovering that they could work in high-paying factory jobs, the majority of women did not want to give these jobs up after World War II.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Womenroles_in_the_WorldWarsUnitedStatesofAmerica…show more content…
and go back to home and to have children, this would make them much happier. Some of the campaign encouraging women to return there jobs went to far for example “Leave it to Beaver” and “Father Knows Best”. Women’s rights changed but not as much as they wanted them to, as they wanted the same opportunities as the men were receiving. Women were increasingly unhappy with the burdens and the contradictions they faced. The were bombarded with the cultural message that said that good mothers and wives didn’t work and dedicated their lives to supporting their husbands and children, but at the same time they were increasingly forced to work to make ends
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