Compare Two Sources As Evidence For Hitler's Style Of Government

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Study sources A and B; compare these sources as evidence for Hitler’s style of government. The two sources have both some differences and similarities. Sources A and B are similar in the way in which they suggest that it was insanely difficult to meet Hitler, never mind get the chance to speak to him and discuss things. This can be seen in source A when it says “Everyone with opportunity to observe it” is showing us that they must not get to see Hitler very often and when they do it will be a rare occasion and you will be lucky to see him. Source B backs up this evidence when it says “might for months on end and even years, have no opportunity of speaking to Hitler…” this strengthens the fact that Hitler was a hard man to reach. In total, the two sources agree that Hitler was not seen by many and that if he ever was then it would be only for a special or important reason.…show more content…
This is stated in A when it says “his aim will in future as previously have the finest reward of one day suddenly attaining legal confirmation of his work” this quote is telling us that everybody who works towards Hitler will be doing it for the greater good but only the ones which Hitler agrees with will be noticed, majority of the time this work/laws were approved by Hitler and nobody had the power or courage to stand up to him. This is also evidenced in Source B when it says “when Hitler made a decision, this often taking the form of a remark thrown out casually, which then went its way as an ‘order of the Fuhrer’…” This quote from the source is just more evidence to that whatever Hitler says goes as even when he threw out a casual remark or a joke it would end up as an order of Hitler. We know from our own knowledge that Hitler was a very powerful man and that not many went against him without feeling the consequences of the
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