How Did Hitler Come to Power in 1933?

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Since the disaster that was Hitler’s rise to power, there have been countless theories as to how such a monster was able to become the dictator of a historically democratic country such as Germany. Some state that Hitler could not have risen to power in any country other than Germany, implying that he was nothing more than a product of German culture. Others say that Hitler made himself dictator by means of his own political genius. Yet still others claim that it was the weak democratic government of the Weimar Republic or only Germany’s social and economic scene in the 1930’s that made the people restless and ready for a dictator to come to power. The reality is there was no one individual cause for Hitler’s rise to power; it was combination of all of these situations which fit together like pieces in a puzzle to create a unique situation for Hitler’s emergence to dictatorship. While Hitler’s chance to take power in Germany did not occur until the 1930’s, factors that made this possible were already occurring in the early 1920’s when Adolf was still a mere street painted in Vienna. When the Germans heard about the Treaty of Versailles which ended War War One, they felt ‘pain and anger,’ and felt it was too harsh and unfair. The Weimar government it brought about was despised by many Germans, as it caused large government coalitions where decisions could not be made. Hitler’s While there was a brief “Golden Age” of economic upturn, the death of Gustav Stresemann and especially the Wall Street Crash put a quick end of this. The Great Depression, caused by the Wall Street Crash, was the greatest factor that allowed Hitler to rise to power. Many historians believe in this theory, and call it “Nazism as a response to a crisis.” The Great Depression also caused an array of other factors that are commonly enabling Hitler’s rise. These include failure of democracy,
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