Communication Strategy Essay

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Communication Strategy: Jeanne Lewis Case Study There are five communication strategies and those strategies are Communicator, Audience, Message, Channel Choice, and Culture. The Communicator Strategy involves the communicator’s objectives, style and credibility. The Audience Strategy focuses on the needs and interests of those in the audience. The Message Strategy is all about the structure of the message being relayed to an audience. Channel Choice Strategy deals with the medium used to convey a message from communicator to the audience. Finally, Culture Strategy is concerned with cultural context in which a message is received. These five communication strategies are used to control or shape the response of the audience. Jeanne Lewis uses the audience strategy, message strategy, channel choice and culture while at Staples. Objectives of the Communicator Strategy fall into three types. General Objectives, which are wide-ranging goals encompassing declarations which you hope to achieve. Action Objectives are the physical steps you take to accomplish the general objectives. Communication Objectives are more explicit. Communication Objectives are specific to end results from ones communication efforts. Communication Style plays an important part in facilitating the objectives. Communicator Strategy uses four communication styles and those styles are Tell, Sell, Consult, and Join. Tell Communication Style is used when the communication objectives require the communicator to teach or clarify so that an audience can comprehend. Audience’s thoughts and our inputs are unwarranted. The Sell Communication Style involves persuasion. To change the direction of the audience, a little participation would be required. Use Sell style to change or move the audience in a different direction. Both the Tell and Sell Styles need to be use when the communicator is
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