Communication and the Criminal Justice Process

398 Words2 Pages
Communication and the criminal justice process are very important. By having programs within communities that are designed to educate the community in the criminal justice process and the importance of law enforcement allows those within the community to understand the process. By doing this those within the community has the chance to voice their opinions on the criminal justice process and this will help law enforcement develop ways that will help improve the way they administer the law. Within the community there are many different cultures, races and social classes. Some policies allow law enforcement to base certain behaviors just on the difference in culture, race and social class. By communicating with those within the community, law enforcement is able to educated citizens on certain policies and how or why they enforce laws and why it is important. Programs within the communities also allow citizens to educate themselves on the criminal justice process and apply this knowledge to their everyday life to assist with enforcing the law. Once individuals are able to understand how the criminal justice process works then they will not feel targeted and will feel better protected in their community. There are various programs that are designed to assist with teaching those within the community how policies are enforced and how the community can take part in enforcing these policies. These programs help develop confidence in law enforcement that they are doing their jobs and not targeting those within the community and also educate the community on ways they can take steps to assist with the enforcement of these policies making their community safer. The programs allow people to learn about law enforcement policies and why they are developed. Knowing this is important to citizens of the community because the people learn about law enforcement and at the same time

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