Coke Vs. Pepsi Website Analysis

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SUBJECT: Coke and Pepsi Homepage Comparison SUMMARY: The homepages of Coke and Pepsi are basically the same site in a different costume. Coke and Pepsi have both done respectable jobs marketing their products through their web presence. Coke definitely sets the bar in homepage effectiveness through professional design and an excellent user experience. Pepsi on the other hand has created what looks and functions like an online arcade site. There are minor differences in the products that Coke and Pepsi are selling but major differences in how those products are marketed. Coke has in this case clearly defeated Pepsi in the overall experience offered through its homepage. ANALYSIS CRITERIA: The homepages for the soft drink manufactures Coke; and Pepsi; will be analyzed by three different criteria. The homepages will then be ranked on a scale of 1 to 3, 3 being the best and 1 being the worst. The combined total of ranking points will be used to decide the overall winner. Appearance a. Description i. The description will be a verbal run down on the sites appearance. The sites will be divided into three sections from top to bottom. It will start at the header continue on into the body and finish at the footer or the bottom of the page. b. Ranking i. The ranking of the appearance will take the homepages description and rank them on based on their visual appearance. The score will be given based on 3 major criteria readability, simplicity, and layout. 2. Functionality a. Description i. The homepages functionality will be described. Functionality will cover major issues from design, usability, and proper function. The major features each homepage contains will be picked through and compared. b. Ranking i. The functionality rank will be given through a comparison of three important areas in

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