China’s Great Transformation Under Deng Xiaoping

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------------------------------------------------- China’s Great Transformation under Deng Xiaoping: ------------------------------------------------- the Reform and Opening up of the People’s Republic of China Introduction The ten-year Mao’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) eventually ceased as he died on September 9, 1976. The goal of the GPCR was to enforce communism in the country by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society, and to impose Maoist orthodoxy within the Party. However, the GPCR period was then characterized as the most catastrophic ten years since the foundation of the PRC in 1949 due to long lasting social turmoil, paralyzed politics, and economic depression. Deng Xiaoping, another great leader in China who had been a revolutionary, figured out that China’s problems resulted not only from Mao’s errors, but also from deeply rooted flaws in China’s political system that caused the catastrophic Great Leap Forward since late 1957, and the GPCR since 1966. On October 26, 1969, Deng Xiaoping left Zhongnanhai and was taken by special plane to Nanchang in Jiangxi province where he had to engage in physical labor and be reeducated by Mao’s thought. By then, he had accumulated an extraordinary depth of experience at the highest levels in the military, the government, and the party. Fortunately, in October 1976, the Gang of Four were arrested and held for trial, because they were accused of disrupting the economy, undermining education, and sabotaging foreign trade. In the complex maneuvering for power, Deng Xiaoping won out in late 1978. China now turned a corner. The age of revolution and violent struggle was followed by an era of reform and consolidation. When Deng Xiaoping returned to power, the decision was made by the Central Committee that the Party from then on would put behind it class struggle

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