Children's Hunger Alliance Research Paper

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Children’s Hunger Alliance Children’s Hunger Alliance My Healthy People 2020 topic of interest is Nutrition and Weight Status. The goal stated is “to promote health and reduce chronic disease risk through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights.” (Healthy People 2020) There is a nonprofit group called The Children’s Hunger Alliance that helps Ohio children achieve this Healthy People 2020 goal. This organization started in 1970 with one single volunteer and a $5,000 grant. In Ohio over one half million kids go hungry at some time during the year. The Children’s Health Alliance states a simple message, “Hungry children can’t learn.” (Children’s Hunger Alliance) They work with schools, faith based organizations, and child care centers to increase participation in The United States Department of Agricultural meal programs. The organization is run by donations and federal funds. Over 92% of all donations are returned…show more content…
This program partners with youth organizations to ensure kids get a hot lunch and snack daily while in school. They also partner with home based child care to promote healthy meals. They help the home based centers get federal funds to buy the nutritious meals. They offer a twelve session program to teach kids about healthy meals and a six session program teaching the adults about the food pyramid. There is a family night where the kids prepare healthy snacks for their parents. The Children’s Hunger Alliance also has many physical education programs and uses volunteers in the area to promote healthy eating and activity. The Children’s Hunger Alliance also lobbied to get healthy snacks in school vending machines and helps spread the word about the free/reduced meal programs at school. The organization works with the Ohio State Senate and Congress to implement healthy programs for Ohio

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