Georgia School Nutrition Research Paper

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The Georgia Department of Education’s School Nutrition Program: Overview of Recent Changes to Meal Plan Amira Shade Strayer University ENG 115: English Composition Professor Gabriel Smith August 8, 2014 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the recent changes to meal plans in the state of Georgia. There are many children and parents who are not properly educated on how to maintain a healthy diet and the causes of not eating healthy. This paper will discuss how the Georgia Department of Education Nutrition Program will work with families to assist them to maintain a healthier diet in their homes as well as in school. Good nutrition during childhood and adolescence…show more content…
This will allow the parents who are not financially able to pay for their child’s lunch every day or send a lunch to school the opportunity of assurance that their child will not miss a meal and obtain a nutritious meal. The community has started a program where donations will be taken year round for students to take home a small sack each Friday. The small sack will also provide healthy food for the child but also is beneficial for families that are unable to maintain food in their homes and a child won’t miss a meal. The Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Program has created the Georgia Eat Smart. The purpose of the Georgia Eat Smart is to promote good nutrition, physical activity and wellness for k-12 students and their parents. (Barger, 2013) When children become healthy students they also become better students in the classroom. By educating teachers and staff nutrition staff how to teach students to have good eating and physical activity habits will allow the students to make health choices. (Barger,…show more content…
Parents are asked to become more involved in the implementation of healthy habits for any change to occur. School nutrition programs are well suited to offer community nutrition education to parents in the school setting to help families maintain a healthy life. Also, the Georgia School Nutrition Program is working with the Board of Education and supertendents to develop policies that encourage good nutrition and healthy lifestyles for the students in their districts. (Thorton, 2014) They will also work with principals, faculty, and other administrators to implement a research based, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate nutrition education
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