My Big Idea Research Paper

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My Big Idea Melanie Faurie CM 220-17 Professor Trestrail 03/11/2013 My Big Idea There are many children in the United States who are suffering from improper nutrition and supplementation. This could be a byproduct of parents being overscheduled and too busy to cook children healthy fare, tight budgets, or lack of knowledge on proper nutrition. Although there is no organic base for the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder., children are often misdiagnosed with having ADD/ADHD when children are just in fact nutritionally deficit. Parents should be aware of how proper nutrition affects the mental health of children (, 2013; Top Documentary Films, 2013). Improper nutrition and…show more content…
They can also be attributed to food allergies, food sensitivity, and nutritional deficiency. Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, can cause many symptoms similar to ADHD including: low concentration levels, aggression, hyperactivity, or the inability to sit still. Some children can have adverse reactions to the chemicals in food, such as, corn syrup, additional additives, monosodium glutamate (MSG), or red dye, which could cause symptoms alike to those of ADD/ADHD. According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2013) for the treatment of symptoms prevalent in ADD/ADHD, it is recommended that certain foods that increase hyperactivity such as sugar and caffeine, be eliminated from a child’s diet. The elimination of common allergens such as eggs, milk, and wheat is also recommended (Bailey,…show more content…
Shopping at local farmers markets or buying certain items in bulk can drastically reduce spending. Parents can prepare healthy meals ahead of time and pre-package them for school and/or for dinner meals. It is also recommended that parents utilize online vitamin shops to save money. The U.S Department of Agriculture (2011) has recently come up with an “Eating on a Budget Plan,” called “The Three P’s.” This provides a great reference to parents with budget concerns. Encouraging children to exercise daily will also go a long way towards alleviating negative symptoms. The First Lady, Mrs. Obama, has developed a program geared towards raising a healthier generation of youth called “Let’s Move” (2013). It recommends that children get about 60 minutes total of moderate to vigorous activity daily. The site documents the U.S. obesity epidemic and has a fully interactive menu for to be used by parents, teachers, and health practitioners. The site covers nutrition, fitness, and a simple guide to success towards creating a healthier
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