Nutrition and Health, Understanding Eating Disorders

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Assessment Name: Joanna Gniazdowska Part 1: Know about different eating disorders 1a. Describe at least two different eating disorders. Eating disorder 1: Anorexia Nervosa – unrealistic perception of body weight and fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. People suffering from anorexia consume restrictive quantities of food which can lead to starvation. They count calories, may be obsessed over weight loss programmes, repeat weighing and physical examinations, skip meals and use laxatives. Eating disorder 2: Bulimia Nervosa – involves cycles of eating a large amount of calories called bingeing and then getting rid of them by vomiting or laxatives known as purging. Unlike anorexia, people who suffer from bulimia may maintain a steady weight. 1b. Describe the signs and symptoms of the eating disorders you described in Question 1a above. Eating disorder 1: Signs and symptoms of anorexia can be physical like: extreme weight loss and thin appearance, fatigue and insomnia, dizziness and fainting, dry and yellowish skin, intolerance of cold, irregular heart rhythms, low blood pressure and dehydration or emotional and behavioural: denial of hunger and refusal to eat, flat, depressed mood, irritability and social withdrawal. Eating disorder 2: Signs and symptoms of bulimia may include: eating until the point of discomfort and pain, misuse of diuretics or laxatives, swollen cheeks and sore throat, stomach problems, tooth enamel loss and gum disease, frequent bathroom visits during or straight after meal. 1c. Describe the possible short-term and long-term effects on health of these eating disorders. Eating disorder 1: Short-term effects include: emaciation and malnourishment, weakness and tiredness, fine hair grows on the body, dehydration and depression. For long-term effects we can include: kidney damage, anaemia, brittle bones, low
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