Unit 21 P3

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Unit 21 Nutrition for Health & Social Care Task 3 P3 This is a report on the wide range of possible influences on dietary intake and nutritional health ranging from health conditions which dictate what a person can and can’t eat to lifestyle. Medical Disorders There are lots of medical disorders that dictate what we eat, such as : • Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) is not as severe as Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes) as it can be controlled by diet alone. It’s very important that they follow a strict healthy diet to avoid the condition worsening which can lead to all sorts of problems such as blindness, kidney failure, gangrene and even amputation of limbs. • Coeliac Disease is a condition when someone is intolerant to the protein gluten so they must avoid all foods containing wheat, rye and barley. Failure to do so results in their immune system producing antibodies which attacks the lining of their bowel causing them to have abdominal pains, constipation/diarrhoea, bloating, difficulty in gaining weight in childhood or maintaining weight in adulthood and anaemia. Because it affects the way their body can absorb nutrients it can also lead to osteoporosis and increase their risk of bowel cancer. Some foods can be bought that are labelled ‘gluten free’ but tend to be more expensive. • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the term used to describe a condition when on inspection of the bowel everything seems normal, but the person suffers with symptoms like abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating and constipation/diarrhoea. The person may want to keep a food diary to help discover which foods make their condition worse and avoid them in the future. Some experts believe probiotic yoghurt drinks help settle the stomach and the nerves in the gut. • Lactose Intolerance is very common. It’s when people can’t tolerate the natural sugar found in

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