Chapter 11 Assignment

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GR 230 Nutrition in Health & Disease Chapter 2 Assignments 1. What are the consequences of slowed digestion in older adults? The consequences of a slowed digestive symptoms in older adults ranges from different disorders effects. Disorders like gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) will that affect the mouth and esophagus may make eating and swallowing difficult may trigger heartburn or pain in the chest in older adults. This causes frustration and reduce the willingness to eat. Muscle tone disintegrates in accordance to this condition. Slowed digestion in the stomach can delay stomach emptying and build fullness and increased risk for ulcers. Other major negative effects are the process of intestinal absorption slows down effecting the absorption/breakdown of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, lactose, calcium, constipation, the person pancreatic function diminishes and the liver becomes smaller in size and weight (Bernstein; Luggen). 2. What is a socially managed mealtime and why is it important? A socially managed mealtime is when the older up has problems with eating and need to concentrate with proper mastication. They need to manage to concentrate while eating a meal and avoid the social occasion. (Bernstein; Luggen) This could cause choking. They must sit upright in chairs instead of sitting up in beds, and swallow food properly. 3. How can seniors maintain mental acuity? Also, explain how physical health impacts cognitive function? The seniors can maintain mental acuity by participating in actives that stimulates the body and mind. IN doing so it will help a person to retain normal functioning and beneficial healthy lifestyle. Some physical disorders that impacts cognitive function are impaired hearing and sensory deprivation. Inadequate physical activity is a risk factor for cognitive functioning. It effects
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