Child Birth Experience

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Child Birth Experience Interview Intorduction As part of my interview process I met Anjali at her house to take the interview and get answers to my questions. She was helpful to spend time with me to go through my questions her husband took the kid to the park and she is free to spend that time with me. She is a bit nervous to answer my questions but within few minutes we both are comfortable and I am able to ask the questions and write down the answers briefly in my notes. Few times I have to explain my question to get proper answers. After getting back home I arranged the answers in an order and drafted a couple of times to improvise the summary. The following is the summary of my Interview. Anjali’s New Joy Anjali got conceived at the age of 27. She came to know about the pregnancy after 1 month. She used the toolkit to find the happy thing of her life. She waited all day for her husband to come back from work to share the news. She felt that time did not move normally for her husband come home that day. Her husband felt very happy when he heard the news and they decided to go the doctor the next day for confirmation. She still remembered how lot it took for her to get her turn at the doctor’s office. It was a long wait at the hospital to hear the news from the doctor. As the doctor advised to take good care during the early days up to the 3rd month as it is the first child. She said she felt very nervous as it is the first child and everything is totally new to both the couple. As of the advice from the doctor, she took very good care of the health with the help of her mother who stayed with her during her early days of her pregnancy. One of Swati’s friend Padma, who has 2 kids by that time is of great help to mentally help Anjali during that time. With the help of her mother, Anjali was able to follow the instructions suggested by the doctor.

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