Characteristic of a Good Research Problem

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2. CHARACTERISTIC OF A GOOD RESEARCH PROBLEM Good research generates dependable data that are derived by professionally conducted practices and that can be used reliably for decision making. Good research follows the standards of the scientific method: Systematic, empirically based procedures for generating replicable research. Here are a few characteristics of a good research report: 1. Purpose of research (that is the problem involved or the decision to be made) is clearly defined 2. Research procedures should be described in sufficient detail to permit another researcher to repeat the research. This includes the steps to acquire participants, informed consent, sampling methods and representativeness, and data gathering procedures. 3. The research procedural design of the research, and its choice among competing designs, should be clearly described and carefully planned to yield results that are as objective as possible. Efforts should be made to minimize the influence of personal bias in selecting and recording data. 4. High ethical standards applied. Careful consideration must be given to those research situations in which there is a possibility for physical or psychological harm, exploitation, invasion of privacy, and/or loss of dignity. 5. The researcher should report, with complete frankness, flaws in procedural design and estimate their effect on the findings. (Remember, there are very few perfect research designs). 6. Analysis of the data should be extensive enough to reveal its significance, what managers call insights. The methods of analysis used should be appropriate. However, adequate analysis of the data is the most difficult phase of research for the novice. The validity and reliability of data should be checked carefully. 7. Some evidence of the competence and integrity of the researcher may be found in the report itself. Presentation of

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