Changes and Continuities in India over Time

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Changes and Continuities in India over Time From 300­600 CE, there were major changes in classical Indian civilizations as new religions were formed, political power was increased, and advancements in math and science were made. However, trade routes continued to flourish while the caste system was supported by the Hindu religion. These helped the patriarchal society flourish in the 300 years. In the classical Indian society, many changes took place, religion being one of the main few. New religions changed the social norms from only Hinduism to Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Jainism was a new religion promoted by Vardhamana Mahavira. Jainists practiced ahimsa, or total nonviolence, because they thought that everything had a soul. Buddhism is religion made popular by Siddhartha Guatama. It instructed its followers to follow the Dharma, or the Buddha Doctrine. Ashoka Maurya further spread the influence of Buddhism when he switched to it after conquering Kalinga. Hinduism was the original religion of Classical India, until Siddhartha Gautama created Buddhism, his followers called him “Buddha” which means “Enlightened One,” most of what derived from Hinduism was a part of Buddhism. Buddha was a Hindu Mystic before; he changed some concepts of Hinduism around, such as believing that violent acts against nature and other are purely immoral. Both religions had this theory of reincarnation, , but stated that it was because of karma, if something needed to be fulfilled, a debt or curse, or simply one’s life was not lived to its fullest than they were reincarnated back on earth not always as a human, but sometimes maybe an animal. Hindus believed in “Moksha” where one became one with the Brahman soul once it was achieved and the soul was not obliterated. Several other big changes were political power and advancements in math and science. The
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