Western Imperialism India And Japan Analysis

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Foreign Reactions to Western Imperialism China and Japan India and Japan’s reactions to Western imperialism was the same as in they first resisted outside control, but eventually gave in to Westernization; however, India resisted through physical methods while Japan resisted through cultural methods. Europe wanted to expand their empire to include colonies in India and to also have an influence on Japan. The building of the Suez Canal was funded and lead by Britain. The canal allowed for easier trade for the Dutch East India Company that was based in India. This new passage allowed for Western Influence to spread to the Eastern world. Europe’s new presence motivated them to establish colonies in India despite the native…show more content…
They were not happy with the change in government; therefore, they fought back. The westernization of India was immediately followed with battles. The Battle of Plassey lead by Nabob rulers against the British was India’s attempt to fight back the Europeans from colonizing their land. Unfortunately, the Indian’s futile attempts to keep out the British failed. They lost the battle, and Britain’s rule over India strengthened. India’s physical effort to keep out Europeans did not succeed. However, Japan did not use physical methods to resist western control. Japan took pride in their unique culture and did not want any foreign influence in their society’s development. Eventually Western styles spread to Japan, but they did not adapt fully or completely change their culture. New western ideas fused with ancient Japanese traditions. The Meiji Restoration was a system of reforms that dramatically changed Japanese political and social makeup. The various features of the reforms simulated western style politics and innovations. The reforms accelerated Japanese industrialization, a process started by the Europeans. The reforms abolished feudal system and allowed for freedom of the working class. This event was a turning point in the acceptance of western influence on Japanese culture because it changed how their society functioned. The acceptance of western technologies expanded the paid working class with the absence of feudalism. This is an example of how Japan originally culturally defied western influence, and did not defy with violence as India did. Western imperialism had a lot of influence and changed the way the world developed. India and Japan eventually gave in to Westernization after they first resisted control. However, India resisted through physical efforts while Japan resisted through cultural
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