Change And Continuity Over Time Essay

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AP World History Mr. Ferraro Spring Valley HS CFERRARO@ERCSD.K12.NY.US Week of 3/12 Days until test 45(42) Monday – America: Growth of A Nation: Watch the video up to 1890. Take notes. Thesis: Change & Continuity over Time – Explain changes and continuities in the geography of the United States in the 18th – 19th centuries. Begin Week 1 Review Tuesday – Complete Week 1 Review. On Friday we will go over all of the Week 1 materials. Please bring your review book and any notes or flash cards you created along with the answers to the key questions for group discussion. Wednesday – Under timed conditions read, analyze and complete the DBQ Mechanization of the cotton industry in India and Japan (2010). This essay is to be hand written as it is timed. Do not attempt to type it up after you are done. If you are worried about your handwriting please double space. This essay will be peer graded on Thursday in class.…show more content…
Take notes. Read ‘Patterns of Dominance’ p 576 – 586. Take notes. What is the relationship between Industrialization and Imperialism? WEEKEND - Read chapters 1-3 of The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell. Be sure to get your copy before leaving school. Complete the character assignment in the packet and be prepared to discuss this in class on Monday. [NEXT] NOTE: I will not be able to give you too many nights off from homework between now and the AP exam as we are pressed for time. However, after the exam there will be NO homework other than one project and Regents exam review for the final six weeks of school PAIN IS TEMPORARY, PRIDE IS
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