Cell Phones Are Bad

686 Words3 Pages
Cellphones and Their Effect on Our Health Cellular devices and other technological innovations have revolutionized ways of communicating in the 21st century. It is assumed that the power of cellphones and its impact on society is increasing at an alarming rate and will continue to overrun its position as the main technological device used worldwide. Taking a part in every day routines, it is hard to go an hour, let alone a couple minutes, without your cellphone by your side. Though used on a daily basis, these devices are not beneficial to our health and effects us negatively by making us more prone to cancer, troubling our sleep schedule, and increasing stress levels, which can eventually lead to depression. Long term and excessive use of cellphones increase the risk of developing cancer, specifically brain tumors. Being near these devices 24/7 “doubles with risk of being diagnosed with glioma on the same side of the head where the cell phone is held” (Woolley). Some disagree and believe that the use of cellphones has no association with the development of brain cancer; they argue the fact that these devices “lack sufficient energy to add or remove electrons from molecules, and therefore it cannot ionize and cause cancer” (Woolley). There have been several cases that prove this statement otherwise. It is has been proven over and over again that people should avoid being near their cellphones as much as possible to ward off any possible risks of cancer. By ignoring these facts, people put themselves at risk. Cell phone radiation is known to be very harmful and if caution isn’t used, consequences will eventually come into play. Cellphones also have the ability to bring distress into a persons sleep schedule. The urge that a person always has to check their phones affects us most at night. Since most cell phone users tend to check their phone right before they go

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