Nt1310 Unit 1 Lab 1

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Cell phones that have limited coverage areas aren't dependable. As long as your using your phone in a large city that has plenty of cell phone towers it should work correctly. However, this isn't always the case, there are plenty of ways the radio signals can be disturbed or blocked, especially if you are too far away from a tower. So, one of the cons of using a cell phone instead of a landline is, they are less dependable. A huge perk of having a landline phones is that it works everywhere, but cell phones don’t always work whether it be because of coverage issues or other problems. Owners of a house that has a metal roof will never replace their landline with a cell phone because the cell phone won't work inside their house. The metal seems to block the signals. Landline phones work everywhere, but cell phones have their limits. Cell phone batteries need to be kept charged up. If you forget to charge your cell phone battery and it runs down, your phone will operate poorly because the signal will be weak. You may not be able to make or receive calls. On the other hand, landline phones don't have this problem. Landlines aren't safe to use during lightning storms. People are injured and killed every year from talking on a wired landline phones during lightning storms. Cell phones are safer to use during electrical storms because there isn't a direct path connecting you and the lightning. Plus if you have cordless phones they won’t work if the power goes out. People who prefer cell phones often have very different lifestyles than people who prefer landlines. As you decide whether to switch to a cell, ask yourself: Do you want to be in the phone book? If so, you’ll need a landline. Do you want to be easy to reach? Many people prefer to use cell phones because it allows them to be available to family and clients even when they’re traveling. On the other hand, some

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