Cell Organelle Functions and Structures

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Cell Membrane Function – The Cell Membrane or “Plasma Membrane” acts as a barrier that separates the cell from the outside world. The membrane also acts as a barrier between different parts of the cell to keep certain functions separate. Beyond protecting the cell the membrane also controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell (Childs). Structure – The Cell Membrane is comprised of mostly phospholipids that form a phospholipid bilayer to protect the cell from the outside world. The membrane also contains proteins that can serve multiple functions such as transportation, communication and structure (Childs). Nucleus Function – The nucleus is the control center of the cell. The nucleus contains DNA, which holds the genetic material that is used to build and process the cell itself. The nucleus is responsible for genetic coding as well as regulating the genetic expression (Campbell, 2005, pg.107). Structure – The nucleus is encapsulated and protected by the nuclear envelope, which is a double lipid bilayer. Within the envelope is the nucleoplasm, which holds chromatin, a complexity of proteins and DNA, and in the center of the nucleus is the nucleolus. The nucleus also has pores on the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope, which regulate the entry and exit of certain macromolecules (Campbell, 2005, pg.102). Lysosome Function – Lysosomes are membranous sacs filled with enzymes that are used to digest different kinds of macromolecules within a cell (Campbell, 2005, pg.107). Lysosomes are essentially a digestive system for the cell both breaking down materials taken in from outside the cell and breaking down obsolete components of the cell itself (Cooper). Structure – The Lysosome is a single-membrane organelle that is filled with hydrolytic enzymes. The hydrolytic enzymes and the lysosome membrane are both created within the cell by

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