Cdc Communication Plan

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DAVERNPORT UNIVERSITY | COMMUNICATION PLAN | Developing communication plan for CDC | | Olaide Babatunde | 7/30/2012 | Having a communication plan in an organization is very essential in such a way that it serves as a guide to achieve goals. It bridges the gap among organizations, employees and clients. This paper will be on a communication plan as a cdc member to ensure that the citizen are being prepared towards an emergency situation such as bioterrorism attack since the attack of the terrorist in September 11, 2001 | Communication plan is very important and compulsory for a development of a business and an inclusive planning is a criterion to be used. One of the most important factors that move an organization from strategic development…show more content…
September 11, 2001 was a day so many people lost their loved ones which was such a sad day even till today. As the country is going through this great loss, a lot of Americans are also concerned about bioterrorism attack and everyone is talking about small pox being released to the population again. As we are all aware, small pox is a disease that that we have worked on all these years and it has been eradicated with the help of vaccinations here in the United States. But due to the terrorist attack, Americans are really concerned that the terrorist might want to re-infect the citizen of United States with small pox. The CDC organization is in charge of small pox vaccines and we are assuring the citizens that we have a plan to make sure that we distribute these vaccines as soon as possible as needed. Our plans will not only address the issue of the recently talked about small pox but will also include the prevention and control of other diseases such as Anthrax, HIV, Obesity, type 2 diabetes, cigarette smoking. We will also like to create awareness and educate on how our daily life style can cause serious problems to our health. We also want the citizens to know that we will be working with the national security agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and the Department of Homeland…show more content…
This will educate on what to do when they start to suspect that they have small pox. Moreover, we will go to schools in order to educate students on what to do when they have small pox. A lot of research and studies has been done over the years and we will like to let the citizen know that even we don’t have small pox here in the United states but we have never relaxed to always research more on this disease so we will like to assure that the vaccines we will be providing is not outdated because we understand that a lot of diseases are becoming resistant to vaccines and drugs. The outcome of this plan in terms of success will be measured by online and registered
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