Ccld Unit 27 Oc 1

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Unit 027 Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety Outcome 1 Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety. Learning Outcome 1 There are a number of important factors to take into account when planning for healthy and safe environments whilst setting up activities and services with children and young people. It is necessary in planning activities to remember each individual’s needs and abilities and that all children need supervision at all time. Everyday I have to take into account the different children I have in my group and that each child has a different level of ability and needs compared to others so when I am setting up activities I need to ensure that each child will be able to take part and enjoy the activity as well as learn at the same time. Activities that I would have to put a lot of through into would be a physical exercise because this activity could be difficult for a child who has just learnt to walk. When planning activities I need to take into account the room layout that there are no obvious hazards to both staff and children. I make sure all doors and closed and main doors locked and no sharp objects are left about the room. I also make sure toys are safely put away and a child will not be harmed if he or she was to pull a toy out. There are some children who will have specific needs compared to others; this could be a sensory impairment such as sight or hearing impairments. Whilst planning activities for the children I need to ensure that each child will come to no harm and understand explanations given to them. When working with a child with a sight impairment it is very important that there are no obvious hazards in the room that will cause harm to that child, this could be a toy lying on the floor that any child could trip over, but especially the
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