Tda 2.2 Pt 3.3

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3.3 Describe actions to take in response to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed (including self harm) or bullied, or may be at risk of harm, abuse or bullying. As a teaching assistant or learning support assistant, a special relationship is made with the children you work with on a regular basis. It is likely that some of these children will have experienced some form of abuse. The NSPCC, in 2002, reported in a study that 1 in 6 children had experienced serious maltreatment. It is this relationship with the children where the child or young person will feel more comfortable to talk openly when the rest of the class are not around. It is important to recognise any signs of abuse and what action to take. Do not to jump to any conclusions but be observant. The child or young person’s behaviour may change, they may hint or disclose they are being bullied or abused or they may show physical signs. It is important to know how to respond if this happens. • Report your concerns to the designated person or manager. Ensure you write down what has been said or observed and keep the information secure. • Children rarely lie about abuse, so take the child or young person story seriously. • Assure the child or young person that they are not to blame for what has happened. • Inform the child or young person that to be able to help them, you need to tell someone else. • Do not investigate the matter further or ask questions. • Never appear shocked. • Do not make promises to the child or young person or to keep the information a secret. It is important not to draw conclusions and to report only what you have noticed or heard. Under the Education Act 2002, you have a duty to report your concerns. Support can be received from the designated child protection officer, your tutor or through the following: – UK
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