Likewise it is just as important to accept that getting things wrong is okay and to understand how we can learn from our mistakes. Circle time is a great tool to learn how to take turns and listen to others, philosophy sessions is an excellent opportunity for children to express themselves without the fear of being wrong, to realise that everyone has their own opinion and that we do not all have to think the same and agree with each other. Children in life need to be able to make informed choices for themselves. Children are taught through the curriculum and assemblies
If you appear angry and unfriendly, then the child will try to avoid any contact with you or will just stay quiet when you ask them a question. Linked into this attribute would be humour. Children love laughter and it can also help increase their attention span during lessons, as the children will be concentrating on what you say, just in case you say something funny. Building a good relationship with the children also has a serious side as they will begin to feel comfortable coming to you if they have any problems. It could be from issues with their school work, to something more serious and personal.
Page 1 2.3 explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development and influence current practice Susan Isaacs Children should be free to express their emotions hiding emotions is damaging to the child .She believed that the importance of play especially with others .Play gives confidence in themselves no less than friends and not only helps the child to feel less suspicious and aggressive to others .But by giving delight of action and sharing helping them discover the way in which they can carry out their own practical and imaginative pursuits .Which will lay down the foundations for a co operative and social life in later years .Make believe play helps intellectual problem solving .Children can use play to escape into real experiences or out of it. In doing so they learn about reflecting on life getting a sense of control over their lives and developing self esteem and freedom of expression in actions and development. This is done in own setting with role play , home corner and asking the
Time-outs can be effective, particularly with small children, when they are applied appropriately. However, if time-outs are misused, then they might lead to feelings of abandonment and unworthiness, blind obedience, and a lack of self-control. Moreover, according to the class notes, children are curious and have a drive to learn, and learning is intrinsically rewarding for them. In order to facilitate this learning and avoid punishment, we should try to create conditions that impede unwanted behaviors. It is important to note that if children feel that they are being manipulated or controlled by the rewards, their behavior will likely not change effectively.
You really cannot imagine children who range the age of seven thru eight to grasp the information as teenagers can do. Another example could be to use your inside voice or may be quiet time when a teacher is doing a tutorial is being explained. The student must value other people who are trying to listen or even learn the materials that are being taught in the classroom. All age groups should learn to value others and the importance of being sociable. The vital abilities that each child must pick up are to understand necessary instructions.
This can support the children's thinking and extend their learning. Practtitoners withing the setting role play how to be creative with divergent thinking. Model being creative, for example. Childen within the setting understand they have freedom to access all resources, but have also developed an understanding that it is important to put equipment back back where it belongs. (Montessori) within practice it is vital to practitoners to gain an understanding of how they support the childrens creativity and crititcal thinking, so often record how practitoners interact with children and then reflect upon it for future development and
Unit 137 OUTCOME 4.3 BY DEBRA PRICE Children and young people need to trust adults in order for them to be able to answer their questions. The answers should always be answered honestly, and in some instances children will ask many questions as they come to terms as to what may be happening to them. This can be very difficult as adults like to see children happy rather than upset adults do not always listen to children correctly and acknowledge their feelings. Listening to children is critical as we can then learn what they are thinking and how they feel, they could be feeling resentful or have feelings of anger and disappointment, children should be encouraged to speak openly without feeling they have to hold back e.g. “you don’t mean that” attitude .
This in turn raises self-esteem. Comforting and reassuring children in times of stress or anxiety is an important part of a classroom assistants role. Reassuring children with low levels of confidence in their academic work and supporting them raises self-esteem. Children feed off praise, it motivates them. Empathising with children is appreciating how they might be feeling and responding in an appropriate manner.
Help Improve Own and Team Practice in Schools Explain in detail how you would you would take note of children and young people's responses to your own practice: Take and note about you've interacted with children, how they've responded to you and if you can improve or better what happened in a similar situation in the future. It is always important to remember that children are not clones, some respond well to humour, some do not. Even sarcasm meant in the most light hearted manner to some children could be mistaken in some cases as a form of passive aggressiveness, therefore it is best avoided on a one to one basis. It is also important to remember that the people you are assisting are developing in life, some are more advanced than others and some are more sensitive than others. Children may laugh at bit of harmless humour delivered on a friendly manner if being spoken to as a group and it can also be helpful to speed their attention spans which will be on a varied level in every single class sometimes even on each end of the spectrum.
It also has the anti-bullying policy in it and how we should handle situations and explains what inappropriate behavior is. I think that the benefit of encouraging and rewarding positive behavior through praising is that the children learn good behavior from bad behavior and I tend to see more of the same positive behavior reoccurring when I reward it. When children know that there are boundaries set it makes them feel secure and helps provide children with a safe and secure environment, thereby promoting good mental health. The nursery has golden rules * Show respect for others, considering their rights to