Cbt Case Study

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CPBAC CBT – Level 5 Case Review Deborah McCullough May 2013 Context and boundaries of work (265 words) The main setting I work within is a College setting, with children and young people from age 16 to 21 years old. I work within the boundaries of the college policies and procedures at all times. The name of the project is SUSE (Step-up To Sustainable Employment). It is aimed at assisting children who are disadvantaged by various reasons. Some examples are, previously removed from mainstream education, living in poverty / socially disadvantaged, one parent families and learning disabilities to name a few. I am obligated to abide by the processes of reporting of child protection, bullying and other personal safety issues as with any member of staff within any college setting. I am also a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, and am bound by their ethical framework, including counselling values, ethical principles, moral qualities and the BACP code of ethics and practice. The Code of Ethics is divided into six headings; Autonomy, Non-maleficence, Beneficence, Justice, Fidelity and Self respect. When commencing Counselling one of my main priorities is to 'contract' with each client. I include both the policies and procedures of the schools setting and BACP, in terms of making the client aware of the limits of confidentiality. Furthermore the contract outlines duration, time, location, procedures for non-attendance and complaints procedures. This will be carried out while working in collaboration with my client. My notes are stored in a locked filing cabinet, myself and my Manager have the keys. My client is a17 year old female. For the purpose of this case review my client will be referred to as Shauna. She is currently completing an 'Employability Course'. Assessment (590 words) Shauna
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