Cassie Brown Case Study

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Cassie Brown Who, What, Where This case is centered around a Black, Jamaican, high school senior named Cassie Brown. She is a hardworking, motivated, and persistent student who dreams of becoming of studying Mathematics in college and become a math teacher then after. Cassie does well in school, scored well on her SAT, and is a member of the Science and Technology Entry Program. It appears that she is doing her best to be a successful student even in her situation. Cassie attends Jefferson High School, which is located in a low-income neighborhood in what is referred to as the “inner city.” The case does not really explain when the case took place, Cassie has a problem with her senior math teacher, Mr. Tempe. After a long study session and review with Mr. Tempe, Cassie was very frustrated. She still could not understand the concept. Mr. Tempe responded to her frustration, stating that she should probably just give up her math teacher dream. He also added that minorities and woman don’t really have a great chance of getting into the profession anyway. Most importantly the case tells a story of a girl who is a minority, who wants to excel and succeed. Cassie Brown has a difficult time because the opportunities aren’t as readily available to her and her school as they are in high-income neighborhoods. For example,…show more content…
The first perceptive is of Cassie, who wants to follow her dreams of being a math teacher. This is realistic because of her grades, hard work, and motivation. While, from her perspectives she believes that this dream is possible even with math trouble, Mr. Tempe feels differently. I can see from Mr. Tempe’s perspective that he worries that other math in the future, more challenging math will not allow Cassie to follow her dreams. Although, it may be true that minorities and females are not common in the math profession that does not mean it is not possible for Cassie to
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