Case: The Managerial 'Hot Seat'

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Case: The Managerial "Hot Seat" HCS 514 February 2, 2015 Louis Kastner Case: The Managerial "Hot Seat." Difficult people are easily ignored if we pass them on the street, in the grocery store or in a lobby. Wait, there is more, these people pester you and others, ask too many self-explanatory questions, neglect their work, and repeatedly challenge you and their peers by not coming to work, and if, with an attitude. Polices and rules are a taboo, the only thing matters is a paycheck. What makes this even worse, their interactions with staff and peers are grumpy, rude, arrogant, misinformed, and most of the time, totally inappropriate. And, to everyone’s surprise and this case, this behavior has been tolerated by the hospital administration…show more content…
A face to face meetings is most effective method because the message is conveyed not only in words, but also in tone and body language. Aware this meeting may be time consuming, Carol anticipates instant back and forth and questions which she will entertain time permitting after the meeting. Liebler and McConnell (2012) state a “face to face interaction is the strongest means of communication.” (Liebler & McConnell, 2012). Carol intends to keep it goal focused, she will state her observations, informs the staff of her expectations as a nurse manager, iterate policies, punctuality, dress code, and last, patient care. In anticipation of a lengthy meeting Carol is requesting for nursing coverage…show more content…
Carol allows a few minutes for the nurses to read the agenda but starts the meeting on time. In control of voice and body language, and according to her agenda, Carol takes immediate control of the meeting with the opening statement of her focus and the expected outcomes of the meeting. As she set the tone and pace, the nurses follow quietly and surprised. Carol references her observations and expresses to run a professional nursing unit. She addresses the nursing code of ethics, the profession in itself and the nurses’ role in this career. Carol addresses the inappropriate dress code and asks the nurses to reform allowing a limited time for nurses to get their uniforms in order. As an option, she will allocate unit funds to purchase a uniformed color for all the nurses. The call-in and switching of shifts, requesting days off at last minute or requesting a schedule change has now a streamlined process. In order to honor the requests, they must be submitted two weeks in advance. Carol references to nursing policies and hospital’s rules. She distributes a copy of this policy to all the nurses in presence. Carol informs the staff of the immediate counseling procedure and references the HR department’s role and function for this purpose. Carol also hands out the nurse’s job description adding that hiring of new nurse is always expensive and her preference to work with all

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