Case Study: Psychoanalytic Approaches

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Case Study Paper: A Psychoanalytic Approach: Sessions 9-12 Student Name Theories of Holistic Counseling and Psychotherapy Professor. March 1, 2012 Section I: Review of Counseling Sessions 5-8 Part 1 In session five, Philip explored his feelings about home and his family relationships, using an illustrated map as a guide. His father, Michael Lambert, had offered to take him to Disneyworld, but Philip faltered, feeling concerned, perhaps somewhat guilty, about leaving his mother alone at home. The therapist suggested that he ask his dad if they could go to Disneyworld another time, because right now may not be the right time. Philip returned to the sixth session reporting that his dad said they could go to Disneyworld another time, but continued to express disappointment that he was still in Cambridge. As he vented about how talking to a therapist wasn’t going to solve his problems, he mentioned something significant, “I say ‘I don’t care’ because I don’t want to get upset… but things just keep getting harder.” Philip completed an assignment, to write a list of problems that “I don’t care” doesn’t help with, and spent the majority of the seventh session organizing and sorting through his thoughts. Philip grouped his issues into four main categories and prioritized them with the therapist: (1) bullying at school, (2) don’t know how to help mom, (3) Diego, (4) missing “home.” |What Happened |What I |Was it Helpful? | | |Said/Felt/Thought | | |Tony walked by me, |Said: “Whatever.” |No. I felt bad and it | |laughed at my hair. |Felt: Ugly |was a terrible start to| | |Thought: I hate my |my day. | | |hair/I hate him | | In session eight, Philip returned with

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