Case Study #3 Building a Coalition

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Case Study #3 Building a Coalition MGMT 591-10559 Leadership & Organizational Behavior Part I: Group Development The group is at the forming stage. Our textbook states the forming stage is characterized by a great deal of uncertainty about the group’s purpose, structure and leadership. Members “test the waters” to determine what types of behaviors are acceptable. After reading over the case study I was torn between the group being at the forming stage or the storming stage. The group does have purpose as they plan to create an after-school program which will improve school performance both by the students and the teachers. The group is structured as the Woodson Foundation and the school system will develop a new agency that will draw on resources from both organizations as well as a representative from the NCPIE. This is where the group comes up short from the storming stage as there is no leadership yet. They are still establishing ground rules such as: Will the new jobs be unionized? And Will the Woodson Foundation be able to use hard data? An understanding of the stages of group development can assist The Woodson Foundation in a strong way. Right under their nose they have Meredith Watson working for them. Meredith has six years working as a teacher in a classroom setting and working on the leadership team will provide some similarity within the group. She knows what the teachers are going through and can help on all levels. Part II: Problem Identification The primary problem is putting together a development team together that will stop pointing fingers and get the job done. The lists of candidates seem to think one organization should have more power than another. They all seem very emotional and once together there will sure to be tension in the air. Without finishing the forming stage they are already at the storming stage as they will

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