Comparison of Discipline Models: Wong’s, Kagan, Kyle, & Scott, & Morrish

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| Comparison of Discipline Models: Wong’s, Kagan, Kyle, & Scott, & Morrish | GCU:536 | | Ja’Net Smith | 6/19/2012 | | Model | Strengths | Weaknesses | Advantages | Disadvantages | Agree/Disagree | Wong’s Pragmatic Approach:This model focuses on student achievements through classroom procedures and management. | •Specific set of procedures must be taught 1.teacher must explain and show students the procedure 2. teachers allow students to rehearse the procedure with them 3. teachers reinforce the procedure until the students know how to do the procedure ).•Procedures and classroom management should begin as soon as preplanning and continue throughout the first days and for the remainder of the school year | •Students may not grasp all procedures and therefore student teacher relationships are not created•Some needs of the students are vague and more attention is focused on how the teacher can be successful | •Shows how teachers can have control over their classroom from day one regardless of what age group is being taught.•Shows how teachers can obtain order, discipline, management and procedures in the classroom | •Individual student needs are not looked at and unexpected events that could occur in the classroom are not addressed.•Teachers may have problems implementing parts of this model due to student’s different behaviors.•Using this model teachers may find themselves overlooking how to help students develop individual potential skills. | I agree with this model because Charles (2008) states that Wong’s pragmatic approach through procedures shows that student’s achievement is associated with good teacher classroom procedures from the first day of school. | Kagan, Kyle, & Scott Win-Win Discipline:This model looks into ways to meet the needs of students by allowing students and teachers to work together to handle behavior

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