Canterbury Tales and General Prolouge

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The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, sets out to expose the major themes of late medieval society. The dominant ideologies and elements of the time are revealed through character description as well as narration. By merging various different social classes together in one cohesive story, The Canterbury Tales provides the reader with a panoramic view of how medieval society truly was. The first aspect of medieval society that the reader is introduced to is the idea of classes or “estates”. Before the general prologue even commences, the reader is briefed about the three traditional classes which existed during that time period. Those classes consist of the nobility, the clergy, and then everyone else who existed in society. Chaucer takes it upon himself to characterize each member of the pilgrimage individually. He makes it quite clear that his interpretation of who these people are are entirely of his own opinion. The first pilgrim to be introduced to the reader is the Knight, the choice to establish the Knight first is fitting because he belongs to the nobility, which is the highest ranking social class. It is obvious from the very introduction of the Knight that he is a person whom Chaucer has great respect and admiration for. The Knight is described as a “worthy man” (Chaucer 43), as well as someone who is wholly committed to the ideas of generosity, chivalry, honor, freedom and truth. This is the first insight into the role that Knights and other individuals of such a statue played in medieval society, they were deemed as honorable and respectable men who were worthy of attention and praise. The fourth pilgrim introduced by Chaucer is a Monk. The monk is described as a joyful, plump man who loves hunting. The monk is eloquently dressed with sleeves lined with the finest fur of the land, “I sawgh his sleeves purfiled at the hand, With gris,
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