Uropean Feudalism vs Japanese Deudalism

525 Words3 Pages
European Feudalism VS. Japanese Feudalism
Even though European and Japan Feudalism have a lot of difference, but it also has a lot of similarities such as they both also have peasants emperor (king) and lords (it’s called knights in Europe). They both hire samurai (knight) to protect their owner and their lands. They owners of samurai and knights have the same expectation from them. Last, their level they are on stay with them forever they have no ways to move up. The differences are the samurai and knight dress differently. The lowest rank in Japanese feudalism is the merchants and the lowest rank in Europe is the peasants (farmers/ slave). Also, their religion believes are different so that also one reason why their feudal system is different. Last, their art are different from each other base on their religion, beliefs and also geography.
In the European and Japan feudalism, they both have a person who have the most power—which is the king (emperor). They both also have lords (the people who are land owners). The lords hire samurai (knight) to protect their lands and the lords’ family. The owner of samurai (knight) has same expectation for them by their loyalty and their actions that they took to protect the lords’ properties. Last, they both have a same idea of people’s rank---if they are born with their level they stay with it forever. For example, if the person is born as samurai (knight) stay where they are so is their children.
The difference is that the samurai in Japan dress differently than the European Knights. The samurai wear lacquered leather or metal plates and silk or metal bindings. The knights use metals, chains or plate metal. The lowest rank of in Japanese feudalisms is the merchants and the lowest rank for European is the peasants. Even though in Japan the merchants are the lowest rank, they still get money from trading, they are also a very

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