Canada Foreign Policy

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Canada’s Foreign Policy Essay In the time between 1945 to 2000 was the time that the foreign policy was created. It was during this time canada truly emerged into an independent country, and was beginning to receive international recognition. When a global crisis occurred many countries resulted in violence and destruction. Canada on the other hand had a different view and resulted in their own independent way. In 1956 at the time of the Suez crisis, many other countries launched attacks on egypt, while canadian External Affairs Minister, Lester B. Pearson suggested an idea of a “peacekeeping” force, that was to be deployed in Egypt. In the 70s during the vietnam war, a war that didn’t need to be fought was happening between the U.S…show more content…
In 1956, in Egypt the Suez canal became the focus of a major world crisis. The canal represents the only direct means of travel from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, making it vital to the flow of trade between Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the U.S. Normally, free passage was granted to all who used the canal, but Britain and France desired control of it. The new leader of Egypt believed that the canal should be under egyptian control, so Britain, France, joined forces with Israel (a long time enemy of egypt) and launched attacks on the canal. For Canada, the Suez Crisis presented a particularly worrying state of affairs as it jeopardized the relationship between its two most important allies. To resolve conflict canadian External Affairs Minister, lester B. Pearson suggested a task force called “Peace keepers” who were deployed to help solve the problem. During the vietnam war, canada remained neutral and did not fight. Canada believed it was a not a just cause to go to war. Many canadian people were against it, although many were for it and ended up going and volunteering in the US. Canadians however accepted thousands of US draft dodgers and vietnamese “ boat people”. When other countries started to get a hold of nuclear arms and using them for military use during the post second war, many people in canada were unsure and eventually…show more content…
During the Korean war in 1945, america and Russia both took sides, north and south. When the north invaded the south, the UN intervened and made an army. Canada joined this army following in the footsteps of the americans. 500 canadian soldiers died, and was later called canada's forgotten war. During canada's nuclear issue canada had developed one of the best fighter ships in the world. America being being the country it is didn’t like the idea of canada having a better ship than them, and people believed that this was why canada eventually scrapped the Avro Arrow. Also when The United states took the lead in founding ing a new alliance that aimed to protect western countries from threat of invasion by the soviet union. Canada later joined the united states in 1949, as well as other countries. This was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO. All members signed a treaty saying that if one countries under attack, then all countries are under attack. Members including canada agreed that if conventional weapons were no use, then they would turn to nuclear
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