Business Planning - Advantages And Disadvantages

539 Words3 Pages
To what extent will your business planning guarantee the success of your business?' Our market research was one factor which will help towards the success of the business. Through the research we found a popular and desirable location which will guarantee several customers for a long time, increasing total revenue and allowing the business to start off well and succeed in the future. Our market research also confirmed that there is demand for our business and that there will always be customers due to the high number of students in Cambridge. Along with this, we managed to create a 'customer profile' which will help us when doing marketing. This part of the business plan has allowed us to be sure that we will always have customers, meaning there will be constant revenue and we will be able to make profit, which will probably lead to success. If the business loses customers we will be able to use the customer profile from the business plan to aim our marketing at, which will help keep customers coming to our business. However, one weakness of our business plan was the incorrect cash flow forecast. The opening balance was not the same as the closing balance from the previous month. This meant that the figures we had at the end of the month were not accurate because the opening balance may have been higher or lower than the actual opening balance, distorting our judgement on how profit/loss we had made. Another error with the cash flow forecast was that we didn't find the average amount spent per customer as it was unpredictable and there was no existing secondary research to base our predictions on. This meant that we could not predict the total revenue accurately. This would make the cash flow forecast incorrect because we wouldn't have the correct figure for the net cash flow. If the prediction of how much would be spent per customer was too high, then we would not

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