Brocas Area Essay

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Broca’s Area Location and Functions Broca's area is one of the main areas of the cerebral cortex which is responsible for producing language; it is specifically located in the lower portion of the Frontal Lobe. It is involved in several functions of the body, three being; speech production, facial neuron control, and language processing and language comprehension. Assosiated Areas Broca's area is connected to another brain region known as Wernicke's area. Wernicke's area is associated with processing and understanding language. Damage to this area will cause the person to still be able to speak clearly, but the words that are put together make no sense. They are connected by the arcuate fasciculus which is a pathway made of neurons. Dysfunction and Disorders If damage is caused to Broca’s area it would mainly impair your speech and your ability to understand and produce language/speech. Some specific Dysfunctions would be fully not being able to speak, not being able to understand language, not being able to properly form words and sentences, and slowed/slurred speech. A specific speech disorder is Broca’s Aphasia, where people with this disorder are able to understand what is being said to them, but unable to fluently speak. They usually understand that they aren’t correct when speaking and will correct themselves, unlike people who suffer from other types of Aphasia. Broca’s Aphasia is caused by injury to Broca’s Area. Interesting Facts Broca’s area was the first area of the brain to be associated with a specific function, which would be language. There were two specific patients, Leborgne and Lelong, of Paul Pierre Broca that led him to believe that language and speech was produced and understood in this part of the brain, now known as Broca’s Area. Leborgne was almost completely unable to produce any words or sentences; he was only able to produce the
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